Hendrix College Hays Memorial Scholarship 2024-2025

If you have been looking forward to a scholarship opportunity to Hendrix college hays memorial for your higher degree in education, then this is your opportunity. The college has opened its scholarship program to seeks students with potential for intellectual vitality and academic success, whose records of achievement both in and out of the classroom predict leadership and initiative to enhance life at Hendrix and in the world of which they live and beyond.
The Hendrix College Scholarship is awarded each year to provides full tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees from start to end of study at Hendrix College.

What you need to in order to apply to Hendrix College Hays Memorial

For an applicant’s application to be considered complete,

He or she needs the following:

  • A Common Application or a Hendrix Application form
  • Applicants Transcripts & School Report
  • The following are optional.
  • Official ACT or SAT Test Scores of the applicant
  • Applicants Statement on Comparing ACT and SAT Results
  • Applicants Letters of Recommendation
  • Applicants Resume

Admissions Requirements

Hendrix College is a selective institution which admit students who demonstrate significant academic achievements and are well prepared for the rigorous curriculum of the College. The college seek students of varied interests and talents, representative of many social, economic, and geographical backgrounds. Admissions however is not limited by age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin of the applicant. The preparatory works for undergraduate students include.
• English: to cover grammar, composition, and literature.

• Social Studies to include 1 unit in American history, 1 unit in world history, and civics or American government.

• Natural Sciences: to be selected from offerings in biology, chemistry, and physics.

• Mathematics: to include algebra I, and additional units selected from algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus.

• Foreign Language: to be selected from offerings in French, German, Spanish, or other major foreign languages.

Application dates/ deadline applying to Hendrix

Applications to Hendrix end on the 15th of November. All students are hereby advised to apply as early as possible.

How to Apply to Hendrix College Hays Memorial

Applicants are to go straight to Common Application. If an applicant has a problem, send an email to caohelp@commonapp.net. Or you can log in and click “Help Center.” For help.