Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award 2024-2025

Are you facing financial difficulty in accessing your degree? worry no more as the Donld A. Wehrung International Student Award has been announced for students to apply in winning a scholarship to the study their dream courses. This article brings to notice all the application requirements, eligibility criteria and the processes in applying for Donld A. Wehrung International Student Award.

The value of the Award is proportional to your demonstrated financial need and sufficient to cover living expenses and tuition costs for your degree of study. This Award may be renewed for up to three additional years of undergraduate study or to degree completion – whichever comes first – provided you achieve satisfactory academic standing in your faculty, continue to demonstrate financial need, and maintain your Canadian study permit.

Eligibility Criteria for Donld A. Wehrung International Student Award

To be considered for the Donald A. Wehrung Award:

  • Candidate must be an international student who will be studying in Canada on a Canadian study permit.
  • Candidate must be entering UBC from a recognized secondary school or transferring from your first year at a post-secondary college or other university.
  • Candidate must be graduating or have recently graduated from a recognized senior secondary school.
  • Applicant must be applying for your first undergraduate degree.
  • Candidate must meet UBC’s admission requirements, including general and degree-specific requirements and the English Language Admission Standard.
  • Candidate must demonstrate superior academic achievement (achieve all As or equivalent standard) and leadership potential.
  • Applicant must come from a war-torn, politically unstable, or economically disadvantaged region of the world.
  • You must have achieved academic excellence under difficult circumstances and have no financial means from family or other sources to pursue post-secondary education in your own country (because it is unavailable or unattainable) or outside your country (because it is unaffordable).

How to Apply for Donld A. Wehrung International Student Award

To apply for the International Scholars program, you must be nominated by your school or non-profit, and submit a reference from an academic referee. Confirm that your school or non-profit is able to nominate you and inform your nominator and academic referee that you’d like to apply for the International Scholars Program.

  • Extracurricular and volunteer activities awards and achievements.
  • Academic References
  • Information regarding family wealth and assets of the nominee.
  • Information regarding sources of financial support.

Application Deadline

Application closes in November 2024

We hope that this article has answered your questions regarding Donld A. Wehrung International Student Award.

kindly visit the official website of the university click here